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How to Create Music Release Strategy for 2023

music release strategy 2023
Cotton Bro Studio

If you're an artist and you're planning on releasing music in the 2023, it's important to understand how the industry is changing. This means that you need to know what types of release strategies will work best for your particular brand and style. Luckily, there are many different ways that artists can make their mark in this new landscape. In this post, we'll talk about how to create a personalized release strategy for your next album or song.

Streaming is becoming the dominant form of music consumption.

Nowadays, it can be difficult for artists to get their work into the hands of listeners without using a digital service like Spotify or Apple Music—a challenge that was made even more challenging by recent policy changes at those platforms that have reduced visibility on their currently-available playlists (for example).

New release strategies will be needed to gain traction.

As the music industry continues to evolve, so do your release strategies. In the past, you could expect a short amount of time between when you released an album and when it became available on all major streaming services. Now, there’s less consolidation between distributors, and this means that new release strategies are needed to gain traction.

Streaming is becoming the dominant form of music consumption and digital streaming services and platforms are gaining more control to compete with each other. As a result, there are fewer channels available for releasing your music—and those channels have increased costs because they’re paying artists less than they were before (or at least slower).

The viral release strategy may work for some artists.

The viral release strategy may work for some artists, but it’s not the magic bullet that it appears to be. It requires a lot of work and effort over long periods of time, which makes it a poor fit for young artists with limited resources.

The viral release strategy is a long-term play that requires you to have an existing audience who will spread your music like wildfire when you release your next single or album. It takes years of building up an audience by releasing content consistently before you even start thinking about releasing music through this strategy. This means that if you don’t already have an audience lined up, then there is no way your music will go viral on its own without any additional marketing efforts from yourself or someone else (like your label).

A slow rollout release strategy may work for others.

A slow rollout release strategy may work for some artists, but it might not necessarily be the best fit for you.

In general, a slow rollout release strategy is one in which you release singles over time instead of releasing your entire album at once. This is beneficial because it allows you to keep people interested in what's coming next and also helps build hype around each individual song as they get released.

The best way to do this is by releasing songs one at a time over the course of three months or so; this way, your fans will know exactly when new content from you is coming out without having to wait on another album entirely (which can take years).

A direct-to-fan (D2F) strategy can also help you reach fans directly.

Direct-to-fan (D2F) strategies can also help artists reach fans directly.

D2F is a great way for artists to build their own brand and establish a direct relationship with the people who support it. D2F marketing is about building trust, gathering insights, and creating an affinity between your brand and its audience. It's not just about selling music; it's about building relationships through content that makes fans feel like they are part of something special.

When you release new music or tour, you should tell people as soon as possible. If you're going on tour, share the dates so your fans can plan ahead—and when they buy tickets early enough in advance (usually weeks), they will get better seats!

Building your own brand as an artist is even more important than usual

As a music producer and artist, you know how important it is to build your brand. But now that you’re thinking about how to create a release strategy for 2023, the importance of branding becomes even more crucial.

Your brand isn’t just about your music—it can also include other things like your image and presentation style. Your goal should be to create an identity that will make people want to buy into what you're selling as an artist and producer. You need a way to communicate who you are quickly so fans know exactly what they're getting from buying your latest album or song download, or attending one of your live shows.

Create a personalized strategy that plays into your strengths as an artist, and try to get in before things change too much

Your music release strategy will be personalized. It should play into your strengths as an artist, and the best time to create it is before things change too much.

The industry has changed a lot in the last five years, and we expect it to change even more over the next few years. The streaming platforms are gaining popularity while physical sales are declining; digital marketing strategies like targeted ads are becoming increasingly important for artists; major labels have been forced out of power by independent artists who now have access to tools like Patreon or Bandcamp that allow them to run their own businesses without having to rely on anyone else's infrastructure or support system; and there's no telling how much longer social media will remain the medium of choice for connecting with fans (and potential fans). If you want your music release strategy for 2023 not only to succeed but also survive into 2024 and beyond, consider these points before sitting down at your computer today:


We’re sure you’re wondering what all this means for your music career. As we said above, the answer is that it depends on where you are as an artist and what kind of artist you want to be. If you want to go viral or have a slow rollout strategy, then by all means go for it—we think those approaches will still work well in 2023, though there may be different ways of achieving them than there were today (for example, creating good content will remain important). But if you want an artist-first approach and direct access to fans without having to worry too much about social media trends? That might actually get even better with new technologies like blockchain technology coming into play!


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